Marketing Podcast with Janine Kurnoff


janine-kurnoffIn this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Janine Kurnoff. Janine is the co-founder of The Presentation Co and co-author of Everyday Business Storytelling: Create, Simplify, and Adapt A Visual Narrative for Any Audience 1st Edition.

Key Takeaway:

We’re living in a really noisy time where we’re constantly marketed to. Storytelling helps us break through the noise, and it helps us be heard in an authentic way — because in order to craft a narrative, you really have to walk in your audience’s shoes.

Business storytelling is this idea of taking the concepts of classic storytelling and then helping those of us in the business world make it practical and relevant. Janine Kurnoff has developed a simple, repeatable framework to help you turn your ideas and insights into an authentic, persuasive story. In this episode, Janine Kurnoff and I dive further into how to develop compelling business narratives.

Questions I Ask Janine Kurnoff:

  • [1:30] Why are all marketers telling us to tell stories?
  • [2:57] You have a very scientific, brain-driven framework for storytelling – can you unpack that a little bit?
  • [4:21] Out of the four signposts of a good story (settings, characters, conflict, and resolution) what are the ones people screw up the most?
  • [5:32] Can you give me an example of setting, character, and conflict?
  • [7:26] What role does the storyteller play?
  • [9:17] Do you always need conflict and do you have to create conflict when it doesn’t exist?
  • [12:13] When you’re giving people advice on what they should and shouldn’t do in their slide decks, what are the five things they should never do?
  • [14:20] Is there a difference in how presentations should be done depending upon the audience size or location (Zoom or in-person)?
  • [19:55] Where can people find out more about your work and your book?

More About Janine Kurnoff:

More About The Certified Marketing Manager Program Powered By Duct Tape Marketing:

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