The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with Kelly Campbell

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interviewed Kelly Campbell, a trauma-informed leadership coach and the author of Heal to Lead: Revolutionizing Leadership Through Trauma Healing. Kelly Campbell specializes in guiding leaders to integrate trauma awareness into their leadership styles, fostering supportive and effective team environments.

With a deep understanding of how unprocessed trauma can influence behavior and leadership dynamics, They offer an interesting perspective and a novel lens for transforming workplace culture.

Key Takeaways

What is Trauma, and do we have enough (that’s right) enough of it?

Kelly Campbell defines trauma as “unintegrated energy and information” that overwhelms the nervous system, affecting how leaders respond to stress and interact with their teams. We discuss the critical role of trauma-informed leadership in creating a supportive and innovative work environment. By acknowledging and addressing personal and collective trauma, leaders can enhance trust, collaboration, and psychological safety within their organizations.

We probably won’t go as far as to call it a “safe space” as, according to them, only your employees can determine that. But a “supportive environment,” for sure.

T – Trauma

L – Leadership

C – Consciousness

Kelly Campbell emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in leadership. They explain that many leaders unconsciously exhibit people-pleasing or controlling behaviors, which can undermine team morale and productivity. Through self-reflection and trauma healing, leaders can shift from reactive to responsive behaviors, understand their internal biases, and foster a culture of openness and growth.

Understanding and integrating trauma-informed leadership practices improves individual well-being and drives organizational success by enhancing employee engagement, innovation, and retention.

Questions I ask Kelly Campbell:

[01:42] How would you define Trauma?

[03:29] Could you discuss the prevalence of trauma and its impact on leadership roles?[06:16] Can you share examples of how trauma has influenced leadership behavior in both positive and negative ways?

[05:42] What are some organizational benefits of implementing trauma-informed leadership practices?

[07:57] In your experience, how can organizations better equip their leaders with the necessary skills beyond technical abilities?

[16:02] How do you address the challenges faced by leaders who lack exposure to diverse experiences and knowledge?

[19:04] Why do you compare some of your methods to therapy, and how do leaders typically respond to this approach?

[21:13] Where can listeners connect with you and learn more about your Heal to Lead program?

More About Kelly Campbell:

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