Facebook launched online payment events, to create and organize an event, set a price, promote it, collect payment from interested people and broadcast it live.

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October 8, 2020 3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

COVID-19 has completely transformed the way we interact with our community due to the safe distance measures that we must respect to mitigate the spread of SASRCov2 . This has meant that actors, brands and content creators use social networks to keep in touch with their consumers. According to the most recent Global Report on the State of Small Businesses , in Mexico, 35% of businesses that are closed are establishing an online presence.

However, this activity is not enough to maintain cash flow in business. Given this, Facebook launched online payment events in 20 countries, a tool that allows page owners to create and organize an event , set a price, promote it, collect payment from interested people and broadcast it live. Everything from one place. This tool like this can help, for example, those businesses that offer live entertainment or classes, digitize their offer, expand their customer base and monetize their content.

To create an online payment event, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Enter Creator Studio and select the Page you want to use, there you can check if your Page complies with the Monetization Policies for partners and its monetization status.
  2. Later, go here and select your Page again and start the configuration for the monetization of your content. You must sign the Terms of Service and configure the account where you will receive payments: add a bank account or, if you prefer, you can link PayPal. In addition, you must enter your tax information.
  3. Once this is done, to create an online payment event on your Page, you must go to ‘Events’> ‘Create an event’ and select a date to hold it.
  4. Choose if you want the tickets to your event to have a cost and, if so, select the amount.
  5. To spread the broadcast more widely, you can share the details for free on Facebook and Instagram through posts, Stories, or through Groups. Also, you have the ability to promote your event on Facebook with event announcements to reach more people who may be interested.
  6. Decide on the event options related to guest list visibility, posting permissions, and messages. Note that the number of registered attendees for an event is only visible to the creators of the event.
  7. Once you’ve followed all of these steps, start your event via a Facebook Live broadcast directly from your Page to easily connect with your customers or followers.
  8. Here you can get more information about payments.

You can find out more about our resources to help Pages create paid events online, including a suite of best practices and online courses for businesses and creators .

For more information, you can visit the Business Help Service page on Facebook.

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