Your content may be ready to go, but you also need to secure a receptive group of customers.

January 1, 2020 2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett discusses how to build your audience, even if you’re starting from scratch. According to Rollett, one of the main questions he receives from others is how to build an audience when you don’t have one at all. 

In order to create content that speaks to your intended audience, you must first look to define who your audience is and what they want. Once you’ve tackled finding the right group, you can begin marketing to them. You goal is not to be the most famous in the world, but the best-known witihin your particular space. Once you start focusing on your selected audience, your content will have far more impact.

Click the video to hear more from Greg Rollett.

Related: How to Increase Your Sales With Original Video Content

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