Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that new Instagram features include linking brands with creators who align with the brands’ target audience.

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April 29, 2021 3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

If you want to make money on Instagram, this should interest you.

On Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg announced that the social media app is working on new tools to help creators monetize content. These include a marketplace that will link brands with Instagramers whose material fits the audiences the brands want to target.

Currently, Instagram has several methods of paying creators to publish sponsored content. What’s new is that the platform will play a more active role as a link between advertisers and emerging and established influencers.

“We should be able to help brands find creators who are uniquely aligned with the work we are trying to do and vice versa ” said Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, in a live broadcast. 

During the same broadcast, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Instagram will also implement “creator shops.” These are virtual stores where creators can sell their products to users directly.

In addition, the billionaire mogul announced an affiliate marketplace that would allow creators to get a share of the sales of the products they recommend in their posts.

“People look to creators for recommendations on what is good, especially what they are experts in,” said the Facebook CEO, without specifying when these features would be implemented.

Last year, the company introduced Facebook Shops and Instagram Shops, which allow businesses to sell directly to users. For example, top creators like Kim Kardashian already have stores on their Instagram profiles.

However, “creator stores” would allow more influencers and users to sell through Instagram.

“This has been especially important in the last year. Many physical stores have had to close during lockdowns, but the internet remains open,” said Zuckerberg. “It can be a more personalized and convenient experience.”

Are the new Instagram features a response to Apple?

The announcement follows news that the next version of Apple’s iOS system for iPhone and iPad will include some controversial privacy features.

A system update will prevent platforms such as Facebook or Google from collecting activity data for commercial purposes, unless the user explicitly allows it. As a result, it will be more difficult for those platforms to target ads to users.

By managing business activity directly through their applications, Facebook and Instagram can launch more personalized ads, as well as track their effectiveness for advertisers.

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