The marketing guru talks about how he reached six figures.

October 24, 2019 2 min read

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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Eric Siu discusses how he landed a six-figure marketing job. 

Siu talks about how the first marketing job he landed, which he eventually turned into a six-figure job, began as a freelance gig. Over time, with relentless commitment and engagement as a freelancer with the company, he secured the full-time position. However, that meant he needed to move to the company’s location in Philadelphia. 

Though the opportunity seemed tempting, especially from a financial perspective, he realized he would not enjoy living in the location of his new job. Philadelphia did not, as Siu puts it, fit his personality, and he suspected would not make him happy. By reaching this realization, it became evident to Siu it’s not all about money when you secure a high-paying marketing job, though it is possible to do so. 

Click the video to hear more. 

Related: How Modern Marketing Will Change In the Next Few Years

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