Greg Rollett talks with Swypit founder Kevin Hodes about staying abreast of new forms of content.

2 min read

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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett sits down with Kevin Hodes, founder of Swypit, a credit card processing company, to talk about why video is an important part of his business and content strategy. 

Video can convey the individual personality of a person. Hodes points out he could have compiled the majority of what he talks about in an email. Not only does video add an extra layer of connecting with an audience, but also it shows that you and your company are aware of cutting edge trends.

Hodes also considers being able to change and reinvent yourself, such as adapting to using more video, as being reflective of living on the cusp of change. 

Click the video to hear more from Rollett and Hodes’s conversation. 

Related: Hungry for New Leads? You Probably Aren’t Putting Out Enough Hooks.

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