2019 January 25 Buffer Chart

Buffer’s 2019 State of Social Report
Buffer recently released its 2019 State of Social report, offering an in-depth look at what digital marketers are focusing on and an examination of trends and how the industry is changing. Buffer

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loSXiXViRa0&w=560&h=315]

Twitter Releases its Official Marketing Calendar for 2019
Twitter has put out its 2019 version of so-called hashtag holidays, a handy calendar for digital marketers including traditional mainstream holidays as well as “Talk Like A Pirate Day” and others. Search Engine Journal

Legal tips for managing your influencer relationships
Protecting brand and influencer relationships has become a greater concern among marketers as the use of social influencers has risen, and AdAge takes a look at some legal safeguards and practices that can pay off in the long run. AdAge

Consumer Trust High In Tech, Traditional Media And Search / 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer
For 19 years Edelman has produced a trust barometer, and the 2019 edition has recently been released, offering a look at the ever-changing trust landscape, including several insights for digital marketers. MediaPost

Gartner: Enterprise use of AI grew 270% over the past 4 years
Enterprise firms have increasingly turned to implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, according to new report data that offers a look at its growing use in the enterprise sector. VentureBeat

Google slapped with $56.8 million fine for GDPR consent violations
Google was given a $56.8M fine recently, as a French privacy regulator imposed the biggest General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) violation penalty yet, stemming from consent violations relating to ad targeting. MarTech Today

2019 January 25 Statistic Image

LinkedIn Is Debuting Interest Targeting Based on Content Users Share and Engage With
LinkedIn (client) has announced extensive new user interest targeting functionality, for the first time allowing advertisers to target more than 200 categories within the firm’s Campaign Manager. AdWeek

Twitter is rolling out a new web interface, including an emoji button
Twitter recently started offering users of its web-based interface a selection of new features aimed at making tweeting easier, including an overhauled emoji button, streamlined trending section, and other changes. The Verge

New features for service area businesses on Google My Business
Google recently launched a slew of new features for its My Business offering, including expanded ability to share additional information about businesses via the search giant’s Google Maps and Search products. Google

New Report Shows Nearly a Third of Americans Interact with Social Media Content 10+ Times a Day
30 percent of people interact on social media platform more than 10 times each day, with the most-used content type being images, according to new survey data from The Manifest, including insight of interest to digital marketers. Social Media Today


2019 January 25 Marketooist Cartoon

A lighthearted look at the state of user experience design by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

YouTuber Starts Every Video With Apology For Hiatus — The Hard Times


  • Lee Odden — The Marketing Strategist: The Power of Influence in B2B Marketing — ITSMA
  • Lee Odden — Ignite, Fuel, and Spread: How Your Content Can Catch Fire With The Right Amplification Process With Heidi Cohen From Actionable Marketing Guide — CoSchedule
  • Joshua Nite — What’s Trending: Does Your Content Spark Joy? — LinkedIn (client)
  • Ashley Zeckman — Twin Cities Women In Digital January Members ONLY – 2019 Digital Trends — EventBrite / Women In Digital
  • Caitlin Burgess — 10 Ways to Evolve Your Marketing Strategy as Your Business Grows — Small Business Trends

Do you have your own favorite new influencer marketing or content marketing news items for the week?

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