2019 February 1 Renderforest Chart

40+ Video Marketing Statistics for 2019 [Infographic]
Video’s prominence in the social media marketing landscape has continued to expand, with some five billion videos viewed daily on YouTube alone, and a new report and infographic from Renderforest dig into some of the numbers behind the growth. Social Media Today

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsToh2XorwE&w=560&h=315]

Exclusive: Snapchat weighs what was once unthinkable – permanent snaps
Snapchat has considered making public posts made by its users permanent, sources have told Reuters, in an effort to make it easier for news discovery platforms to share snaps. A possible new option to disclose user identities for public snaps was also reportedly in the works. Reuters

‘It’s only getting better’: Buyers are shifting budgets to LinkedIn
Advertisers have increasingly shifted budgets to include more spend for LinkedIn (client) ads, with 42 percent of media buyers intending to boost their spending on the platform during 2019, according to recently released survey data. DigiDay

Facebook to encrypt Instagram messages ahead of integration with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger
As part of its recently-announced move to integrate Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger, Facebook will also offer security-boosting encryption for Instagram messages, the social giant has announced. TechCrunch

Slow pages hurt conversions, but marketers aren’t in a hurry to fix them
Digital marketers have been slow to implement faster mobile page-load times, despite consistent urging from Google and acknowledgement from the search giant that slow pages can impact conversions, and recent survey data from Unbounce takes a look at the impact it’s having. Marketing Land

YouTube Is Taking Another Step to Clean Up Its Recommendations
YouTube has announced new plans to improve its video recommendation system that will limit exposure for certain videos containing blatantly false content, rolling out first to U.S. users before expanding globally. AdWeek

2019 February 1 Statistics Image

Move over Gen Z, Generation Alpha is the one to watch
Digital marketers are paying increasing attention to so-called Generation Alpha, or children under 10, but building loyalty with the demographic — or their parents — requires a delicate touch, and AdAge takes a look at recent information about Alpha kids and marketing. AdAge

Neuromarketing: What You Need to Know
Now fairly well-established, neuromarketing faces additional challenges as brands and marketers ask whether it’s worth shifting ad spend to, and the Harvard Business Review takes a look as how consumer neuroscience is meeting those challenges head on. Harvard Business Review

Podcasts as a Learning (and Teaching) Medium for Marketing (And More)
The rising popularity of podcasts has also helped many marketers in their process of new professional learning, and MarketingProfs takes a look at the trend and offers a selection of marketing podcasts. MarketingProfs

87% of retailers say taking a stand on social issues is worth the risk, survey finds
87 percent of retailers say taking a stand when it comes to social issues is a risk worth taking, while 83 percent say that taking no stand can have a negative financial impact, two statistics that are among data from a recently-released report. Marketing Dive


2019 February 1 Marketooist Cartoon

A lighthearted look at targeting generation z by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist

Second Laptop Purchased to Make Extra Room for Stickers — The Hard Times


  • Lee Odden — Video Marketing Trends 2019. Tips and Predictions from Industry Experts — Animatron
  • Lee Odden — Lee Odden Divulges Key Ingredients For Influencer Marketing Success — B2BMX
  • Ashley Zeckman — What is B2B Influencer Marketing – And How to Use It
  • TopRank Marketing — How to Track the Elusive B2B Influencer — Marketing Insider Group
  • TopRank Marketing — Top 16 Social Media Marketing Blogs You Should Follow In 2019 — Reginald Chan
  • Joshua Nite — Asystent Google, Experiental Marketing i benefity Social Media [przegl?d blogosfery marketingowej #8] — Questus (in Polish)

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