Marketing Podcast with Steve Woodruff

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interviewed Steve Woodruff, whom has spent the past thirty-seven years in the front lines of sales, marketing, consulting, and entrepreneurship, which has uniquely equipped him to guide others in the principles and practices of clear and effective communication.

Steve is the also author of the business book Clarity Wins, and his new book The Point: How to Win with Clarity-Fueled Communications; coming out in October 2023.

His latest book unveils how the overloaded human brain wants information packaged, and how to craft brain-friendly messages that break through the noise. From email to sales pitches, from workshops to resumes, Steve Woodruff’s Clarity Fuel Formula is the universal recipe for communications success.

Key Takeaway:

In this podcast episode, Steve Woodruff, known as the King of Clarity, discusses the importance of clear and effective communication. He shares valuable insights into the principles of clarity-fueled communication, emphasizing the need to have a clear point, get to the point, get the point across, and get on the same page. By simplifying messages and using vivid language, communicators can engage their audience’s brains and create memorable experiences. Steve’s new book, “The Point: How to Win with Clarity-Fueled Communication,” provides further guidance on mastering this essential skill.

Questions I ask Steve Woodruff

  • [00:52] How would how would you define clarity fueled community communication?
  • [01:35] Is it harder to write with clarity and simplicity?
  • [02:39] Would you agree there’s some science in naming things?
  • [05:01] Talk to us more about the four rules your framework is based on?
  • [08:25] What’s the length necessary for writing?
  • [11:12] How do we make sure that everybody across the board is using consistent language in their writing?
  • [13:46] Can you elaborate more on your definition of focus?
  • [16:51] What’s the power of simplicity?
  • [21:07] Talk to us about your upcoming book

More About Steve Woodruff:

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