Learn how to position your brand with buyers in this new economy.

Free Book Preview No BS Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing

The ultimate guide to – producing measurable, monetizable results with social media marketing.

June 8, 2020 1 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Meghan Asha, the founder of , was a guest at the most recent Startup Story Live, an extension of the hit The Startup Story that gives everyone in attendance direct access to founders. The two-day livestream event, which streamed to 77 different countries, allowed founders to share the tactics and strategies they have employed to stabilize their current businesses. 

Asha explained practical guidance for all in attendance on how to elevate their message above the noise created by the of the day. Asha shares how buyers are still looking for the next great , and that brands should not be hesitant in approaching big-box retailers. The key is how you approach the retailer. If your is to simply blast a cold-call to every retailer, then don’t be surprised if you receive zero response. Today’s climate calls for a well-crafted, considerate and intentional outreach strategy.

Watch the full video to hear more from Meghan Asha.

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